Changwook Kim

  • Course: Integrated M.S.-Ph.D. Program
  • Research Topic:
  • Contact: windowkim at
  • Member since September 2021


1. Publications

  • Kim, T.*, Kim, C.*, Song, J., & You, D. “Optimal control of a wind farm in time-varying wind using deep reinforcement learning.” Energy, 131950, 2024.

2. Presentations

  • Kim, T., Kim, C., Song, J., & You, D. “Wind farm control under time-varying wind using deep reinforcement learning.” 76th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, American Physical Society, November 19-21, 2023, Washington, DC, USA.
  • Kim, C., Kim, T., Song, J., & You, D. “Wind farm control for maximum energy production in time-varying wind by deep-reinforcement-learning.” Proceedings of the KSME Fluid Engineering Division, The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers, May 17-19, 2023, Seoul, Korea.
  • Kim, C., Kim, T., Song, J., & You, D. “Maximizing wind farm energy production in time-varying wind using deep-reinforcement-learning-based control method.” Spring Meeting of the Korea Wind Energy Association, June 12-14, 2023, Jeju, Korea.
  • Kim, C., Kim, T., Song, J., & You, D. “Deep-Reinforcement-Learning-Based Wind Farm Control Method for Maximum Energy Production.” The 12th National Congress on Fluids Engineering, June 22-24, 2022, Changwon, Korea. (poster) 

3. Awards

4. Teaching (e.g. T.A.)

  • Fluid Mechanics (Undergraduate), Spring 2022